Spring is upon us, and we’re all ready for warmer weather and all that comes with it. But, before you test the lawn sprinkler system for the first time, let’s make sure it’s ready to go! As the weather warms up, lawn pests become more active. This means they can wreak havoc on your system before you’ve even had a chance to use it. You may be wondering which ones you should be worried about and how can you protect your sprinkler system from lawn pests. Well, wonder no more. Spartan Irrigation is here to explain!

Moles and Voles
Moles and voles may look similar, but they have different lifestyles and levels of destruction. Moles are carnivorous subterranean creatures that feed on worms, grubs, and other insects found underground. They create tunnels in your yard that can damage or destroy pipes in your sprinkler system. Voles, on the other hand, are small rodents that live at ground level in shallow burrows. Additionally, voles are much less destructive than moles because they don’t dig deep tunnels. However, they can still cause significant damage to sprinkler systems by chewing through wires or pipes.
Groundhogs are another type of rodent that builds burrows underground, which can interfere with your sprinkler system. You may be able to tell if you have a groundhog problem based on the mounds of soil they leave behind and the large tunnels in your lawn. If you think you have a groundhog infestation, it’s best to consult with a professional pest control expert. They can diagnose your problem properly and offer advice for dealing with these lawn pests.
Skunks may not seem like a likely pest for damaging a sprinkler system, but their burrowing habits can lead to serious problems if left unchecked. These pests dig up large holes in search of food, such as grubs or worms. Sometimes, they dig so deep they cause damage to pipes or wires in your irrigation system. To prevent skunk damage, it is important to use repellants around your lawn as well as keep an eye out for any suspicious-looking holes near your irrigation equipment.
Don’t Let Pest Sprinkler Damage Ruin Your Lawn Care
All these types of pests pose potential threats to the integrity of your sprinkler system. However, Spartan Irrigation can help by repairing and maintaining your system this spring. While you protect your sprinkler system from lawn pests, we’ll get to work on making repairs. So, give us a call at (517) 882-1826. Thinking about installing a new sprinkler system or landscape lighting around your home in Lansing, MI? Then don’t wait – contact us today!