4 Ways to Conserve Water with Your Sprinkler System

April 5, 2021 | Battle Creek

We all want that lush, green lawn every year, and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, it does come with a cost if you’re not careful. Now, we’re not talking about the cost of your irrigation system maintenance and repairs, but rather your water usage. It’s estimated that 70% of our freshwater usage goes towards irrigation. While most of this for commercial agriculture, your lawn’s irrigation system is utilizing the same resources. So today, the Spartan Irrigation team is providing you with some helpful water conservation tips.

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3 Types of Sprinkler Heads

October 26, 2020 | Hillsdale

When it comes to your irrigation system, having the right sprinkler head can make all the difference. Choosing the correct head ensures that your landscaping plants are watered evenly all year long. However, don’t stress about finding the right sprinkler heads on your own. Thanks to the team at Spartan Irrigation, homeowners in Lansing MI, rest easy knowing they’ve selected the right sprinklers for their watering needs. We’ve also taken the time to showcase three of the most common types of heads to help anyone looking for a little more guidance.

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5 Facts About Smart Irrigation and WiFi Controllers

June 30, 2020 | Irrigation Systems

Maintaining your lush, green lawn during the spring and summer months takes a precise understanding of when and how much to water. Having an irrigation system means you take your lawn care seriously. However, regular maintenance and manual shut-off of your irrigation system can be a hassle. With the wrong settings, you could even be wasting water. That’s why Spartan Irrigation offers smart irrigation controllers that give you more flexibility over your lawn care. Here is everything you need to know about these WiFi controllers.

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